TUTORS WANTED! Make a positive difference in a student's life today!
Posted below are samples of tutor job postings. They have been written to give you ideas on what your ad might look like to attract the tutor you are looking to hire.
Read through the samples as though you are that very tutor looking to help kids with their learning.
Ask yourself: Does the ad resonate with me? is it written in such a way that I (as the tutor) can see myself in the position? or does it turn me off because it asks for qualifications I don't have? does it peak my curiosity enough to reach out and get more information? or does it give me so much information that I simply skim the points and move on to other postings? ....... You get the idea.
However these samples may or may not resonate, please, mix and match as you see fit or develop your own ads from scratch. Write two or three ads at a time, for the same position, then use multiple posting methods (online, coffee shops, etc. etc. etc.). Be sure to track which type of ad and which posting method renders you the most applicants.