Elevate Your Location with Eye-Catching Marketing Supplies!
Make it easier for people to see you, speak with you, remember you, and choose School is
Easy for their tutoring needs. Branded materials will help you stand out against the
competition and other local options. Whether you’re engaging in community marketing or
participating in outdoor or indoor events, these materials will boost your efforts and help you
generate more business.
This level of local marketing gives you the chance to connect with people, families, and
schools face-to-face. These conversations can be more effective than online communication
and using this approach allows you to collect their information for follow-up later. Your
presence with these materials builds recognition in your area.
Included In This Toolkit:
- NEW! - Posters And Banners
- NEW! - Table Covers
- NEW! - Tent Frame Kit
- NEW! - Traditional Marketing
Assets - Email Marketing Assets
- Banner Header
- Banner Footers
- More Merchandise
- Apparel
- Giveaways
- Supplies
- Social Media Marketing Materials
- Noteworthy Dates
- How-To-Guide on Events
- Photo Submission Form